Reminded me of the numerous times I've been chased at the store or in the mall by individuals calling my name (or "a" name that wasn't mine), swearing that they knew me. Even after catching up and talking to me for a few minutes, they would still not believe I wasn't the person they thought I was.
So, leads to me to believe the old adage of "everyone has a twin somewhere in this world" is TRUE.

OK, so I know we don't really look alike. But stay with me. Here's why I think we're twins.....I am a child of the 80's. All through High School, people told me I looked like Belinda Carlisle. Then, I cut my hair short (molly ringwald in Breakfast Club style...see SILLY photo taken in about '86/'87) and was sort of "mod" (i.e., wearing lots of black). When I cut my hair, I received comments ALL the time that I looked like her. When I went to college, comments continued. And the topper was one time I was at a bar, and a guy I did not know walked by and said "belinda." TRIP!
It's probably because we both have light hair, round faces, chubby cheeks, and high cheek bones.
So, when that many people say you look like her, you're twins...Right? HA!
(By the way, did you notice I haven't changed a bit from my 80's photo to now.... r i g h t ...)
Who's your twin?