Large piece of paper (tape a few together if you need)
1) Each girl traces their hand on the piece of paper, side-by-side in a "friendship" circle.
2) INSIDE THE CIRCLE -- the girls write all the things we ask of each other such as selling cookies, positive attitude, safety, cleaning up, rules, attend meetings, wear sash, say hello whenever we see each other etc. Commitments should apply inside AND out of school.
3) OUTSIDE THE CIRCLE -- the girls write all the things that we keep OUT of troop - such as put downs, negativity, disrespect.
- Agreement for inside and outside circle should fulfill the five categories: Physical & Emotional Safety; Participation/Commitment; No Put-Downs or Negatives; Taking Responsibility for Personal Actions; Celebrate Efforts
- Modify categories for your troop/group
5) Girls discuss consequences of not fulfilling contract and agree.
6) If everyone agrees, they sign their hand as a binding contract.
7) Bring contract to every meeting. I take a picture of it and print for their Troop binders.
This is a powerful activity to open conversation with the troop. The first time I did it, we wrote "everyone has to say HI to each other -- whether at school or at sports -- no matter who we are with." Surprising, this was hard for some girls. And surprising, some of the more "popular" girls found this hard. It was eye-opening for the others to know that even those who seem to have it all can be shy. But they discussed and all agreed to do it. It has made a huge difference in the respect levels w/in my troop.
Thank you for this is real thought-provoking content.Sample Contracts
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