I realized I have not posted since June 14th. So I'm sitting here trying to think about what to post and I draw a blank. Is it due to lack of creativity? Is it due to the fact that there isn't anything annoying me or new or overly exciting? I think it's because things are just "good" right now.
That's right -- life is good. Kids are healthy. Family is (mostly) healthy. What else is there?
Sometimes, when things are at par, we fail to think things are exciting. I'm taking this moment to remind myself that "par" is exciting. If this was golf, and we hit every hole at par, we'd be thrilled. Why aren't we as thrilled with life at par? Maybe because par can seem boring in life. Maybe because par means "everday" in life.
I'm here to announce --- PAR IS GOOD!
So if you ever find life is boring, uneventful or not exciting, think about it -- is life at par? If so, this is good.
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